Core Keeper Gameplay Secrets
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Minecart goes on tracks, riding it beats walking and maybe it doesn't need a complicated system of switches and sidings to get the job done. The underground world of Core Keeper stretches on for functionally forever, filled with chasms, monsters, resources beyond measure and even an underground sea. There's a huge amount of ways to play with it all and sometimes that's more than enough.
4. Anti-Melee boss design - A lot of the bosses in this game just feel like they were designed to be played with a Ranged weapon, which is fine, but why not give the option to a Melee class to also be able to deal damage from range. This isnt the biggest problem in the early game, its annoying, but its fine.
Sure, Core Keeper horrified me when I knocked a wall down and a bunch of squirming, squeaking larvae jumped in my face.
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My main issue with core keeper is that the progression of combat and the player character feels so incredibly shallow that I felt like I had played with the same simplistic combat since the very first minute of the game. There are "skill trees" but they level up very passively, and offer dull upgrades that don't affect how the game is played, but rather serve as slow boosts that reward you for doing the same thing over and over again. A milestone-based progression system in which you perhaps achieve certain feats to unlock these points could've made for a more engaging system, but even that would fall short due to the simplicity of the upgrades being offered.
Create a totally unique base using a variety of different materials and customisations. From the ultimate adventurer’s lair to a cozy underground cottage, shape the underground your way.
2. There are basically 2 classes in this game at this point, Melee and Ranged, because Magic and Summoner are barely playable - Magic is not the worst, but they can only get 1 weapon crafted, from what I've seen. Where every other weapon is an RNG drop, and makes it really difficult to get them as you wont be able to get stronger with easy to get gear. Summoner is absolutely painful to play as a class.
Personally I'm recommending the game for solo players (pelo personal experience with multiplayer yet). I enjoyed it a lot, I found it quite polished for an Early Access game, and with more contet coming, it's bound to get even better.
Face legendary Titans that hold the secret to this long-forgotten world. Sharpen your combat skills against a variety of monsters and mini-bosses, spend talent points to level up your abilities, and plan your strategy to conquer these colossal creatures of the underground. Discover rare and powerful loot to help you on your journey and power up the Core.
Core Keeper is a clever, challenging, and immensely enjoyable sandbox mining game that's a blast to play. You can completely change how you play for a new experience, there are a lot of bosses and areas to explore, and the joy of finding a new item or new area is never lost.
Boss fights range from fairly easy to pretty difficult. I haven't done all of them yet, but my impression is that all can be defeated solo. However, for some of them you may need to wait for specific items to drop, and their drop Core Keeper Gameplay rate is very very low.
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